ADEPT response to HCLG Committee report – The Future of the Planning System in England

Paula Hewitt, ADEPT President said: “ADEPT welcomes the conclusions of the HCLG committee’s report into the Government’s Planning White Paper. Public engagement is vital in any successful planning system and we share concerns that the proposed zonal approach lacks detail. The planning system should not become more centralised – places have different needs and ambitions – and we mustn’t lose the local democratic dimension. The social environmental and community benefits to development must be front and centre, not just housing numbers, and developers must be impelled to build the homes where planning permission has been secured.

“ADEPT welcomes government recognition that the planning system needs reform, but it must also be adequately resourced – many Local Planning Authorities already lack sufficient skills, capacity and funding. The Government’s planning proposals must align with its other policy agendas, such as public health, net zero and the Environment Bill, to help drive a green recovery and meet future work and travel patterns that have changed through the pandemic. In its current form, the White Paper is missing a once-in-a-generation opportunity to place the climate and biodiversity emergencies at the heart of the English planning system.”